For, from the rising of the sun even to the going down, my name is great among the Gentiles; and in every place there is sacrifice and there is offered to my name a clean oblation.”
Malachias 1.11
Prayer to Unite Yourself Spiritually with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Eternal Father, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I wish to unite myself with Jesus, now offering His Precious Blood in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the needs of Holy Church, the conversion of sinners, the relief of the souls in Purgatory, and for the special grace I here implore.
Act of Spiritual Communion
My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to receive Thee into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee as if Thou wert already there and unite myself wholly to Thee. Never permit me to be separated from Thee. Amen.
Spiritual Benefits of Assisting at Online Masses
While it is clear from the teaching of the Church that viewing a Mass on television or the internet does not satisfy one’s Sunday obligation (for which one must be physically present at Mass), the theologians teach that one can at least spiritually profit from hearing Mass that is broadcast over radio or television (or in our day, the internet), especially by uniting himself prayerfully to the Holy Sacrifice as it is being offered.
This livestream of the Mass is intended for those who cannot physically come to Mass because they are ill or live at a great distance. If you are able to come to Mass, please join us before the Altar of God!